In 2016, Netflix rebooted the very successful Full House into a new show, Fuller House. This new series, named Fuller House, followed a grown up DJ Tanner, who was raising her 3 kids after the death of her husband. To lend a hand, her sister Stephanie and best friend Kimmy moved in, along with Kimmy’s daughter Ramona.
The series ended in 2020 after 5 seasons, and every main actor from the original series made appearances, with the exception of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.
The Warner Bros. House
In San Francisco, the house located at 1709 Broderick Street was used for establishing shots on Full House. Unfortunately, the neighbours have been bothered over the years by the amount of fans visiting the house, located on a quiet residential street.
When Netflix launched Fuller House, there was concern about getting access to the house in San Francisco. For establishing shots, they didn’t want to re-use the original shows footage as it wasn’t in HD. The solution was to build a replica of the house on the Warner Bros. lot, so they could film whenever needed. The replica house is quite similar, but any fan of the show would instantly notice the differences.
The Original Broderick Street House
The entire purpose of building the replica house was nullified when the original house in San Francisco went up for sale. Jeff Franklin, creator of Full House and Fuller House, purchased the house, giving the crews access to film on site. This means the new establishing shots on Fuller House feature the original house. In fact, starting in season 3 of Fuller House, the opening credits even feature actresses Candice Cameron-Bure, Jodie Sweetin, and Andrea Barber standing at the door of the house.
I am not 100% sure, but I don’t believe the replica house at the Warner Bros. lot has ever been used in the series. However it is a popular stop on the Warner Bros. tours. The house is located close to the Midwestern square, and your guide may include the house on the tour.
Warner Bros. Studios Hollywood
Like the original series, Fuller House returned to Stage 24 at Warner Brothers in Hollywood. This studio is also famous for being the home of Friends. The famous Tanner house was recreated, nearly identical to the original set, with some modern upgrades. Just like the original, this series was also filmed in front of a live studio audience.
The Warner Bros. Backlot
Throughout the series, a number of scenes have made use of the backlot locations at Warner Bros. This included a musical number in season 4, which was filmed along the Hennessy Street backlot.
The Golden Gate Bridge
The famous Golden Gate Bridge once again appears in Fuller House’s opening credits. No trip to San Francisco is complete with a drive across the bridge.
The Painted Ladies
One of the most iconic locations from the original Full House credits was Alamo Square Park, overlooking the Painted Ladies and the San Francisco skyline. The cast of Fuller House returned to this spot to film similar scenes for their credits.
In the third season of Fuller House, the whole gang travels to Tokyo for Steve’s wedding to CJ.
The episode was filmed in a few locations around Tokyo, including the Sanrio Puroland Theme Park, which features all the scenes that take place at “Hello Kitty Land”.
The episode also features the family crossing the famous Shibuya Crossing, which is the busiest street crossing in the world.
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