Heartland is a long-running drama on Canada’s CBC Network. The show debuted in 2007 and focuses on a family living on a horse ranch in the fictional town of Hudson, Alberta.
Much like it’s setting, Heartland is filmed at a number of locations in Alberta. Interior scenes are filmed at a studio in Calgary. Exterior shots of the ranch are filmed at a private ranch south of Calgary, near Millarville. The town of High River also includes a number of locations used on the show.
Maggie’s Diner
One of the most recognizable locations from the show is Maggie’s Diner, Tack and Feed. The diner is located on 3 Avenue SW in High River. Unlike many TV shows which use real businesses as locations, Maggie’s Diner is purely a set for filming. It is not open to the public, and you aren’t able to go inside. However you can certainly stop by and see the exterior.
Adjacent to the Diner are a number of other storefronts that have also appeared in the show over the years.
High River Motel
Just a couple blocks away is the High River Motel, which has been featured numerous times in Heartland. When I visited, there were notices posted about redevelopment. Because of this, it’s possible this location may be renovated or completely changed in the near future.
The Museum of the Highwood
While the Museum of the Highwood is not a filming location, it does have a display featuring information and items used on Heartland. This museum is housed in an old railway station on 1 Street in High River. Itvery close to the above locations. While I visited early in the morning before the museum was open, I’m told it’s a can’t-miss location for fans of the show.
For Heartland fans, I suggest checking out this map for a variety of other locations from the show. It also features other productions in the area.