Modern Family, the critically acclaimed ABC comedy, debuted in 2009 and will end in 2020. The show stars television legend Ed O’Neill (of Married with Children fam), plus Sofia Vergara, Ty Burrell, Julie Bower, Eric Stonestreet, and Jesse Tyler Ferguson. The show was a hit from the start and a major contender at the Emmy Awards for the first few years of it’s run.
The Houses
Fortunately for fans of the show, all three houses featured are actual homes, and can be visited in Los Angeles. The first, Cam and Mitch’s house, is very close to the Fox Studios and located at 2211 Fox Hills Drive.
The second house, the Dunphy House, is located nearby in Cheviot Hills, and can be found at 10336 Dunleer Drive. Filming has taken place all around the house, including the front and back yards. This is mostly due to all the shenanigans Phil Dunphy gets into.
The last house, Jay and Gloria’s house, is located a bit further away in Brentwood. The address is 121 South Cliffwood Ave. This house has a large wall around it, and it is only possible to see the top of the house over the roof. That makes it less than ideal for photos, but the house is still recognizable. Also, numerous scenes have been filmed in the driveway and along the street, which you can also take photos of.
With all three houses, please remember these are private residences and people do live here. Please do not trespass and show respect to the owners and the neighbours.
Santa Monica Pier
In the first season episode “Fears”, some scenes were filmed on the famous Santa Monica Pier. This involves a story where Jay takes Manny fishing, so they walk along the pier and Gloria wants Manny to ride the roller coaster.
Fox-20th Century Studios
Interior scenes on Modern Family are filmed at the Fox-20th Century Studios in Los Angeles. Fox Studios are unfortunately not open the the public and no tours are offered. The best you can do is take a photo of the Studio sign from out front.