Only Murders In The Building is a mystery show that airs on Hulu in the US and on Disney+ worldwide. The show stars Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez as residents of The Arconia, an apartment building on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. The characters start a true-crime podcast about a murder than has happened in their building, and the story follows their investigation. The show is filmed at various locations in New York City.
The Arconia
Scenes at The Arconia are filmed at the The Belnard, which is a real apartment building on the Upper West Side, just as it’s shown in the series. The building takes up an entire city block, between 86th and 87th Streets, and Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue. While there are several entrances, the show typically shows us the main entrance, facing 86th Street.
The building was originally built in 1909. The Gilded Age-style architecture has been beautifully maintained over the years. The interiors have recently undergone extensive renovations to modernize the 2 to 5 bedroom units.
If you plan to visit, you can get pretty good photos of the building’s entrance on 86th Street or see the entire building from Broadway. Please keep in mind it’s important to be respectful and not bother the residents.
Only Murders In The Building does show us the inner courtyard of the building. The courtyard features a fountain as the centrepiece and is surrounded by beautifully manicured gardens. The building is a private condominium and does not allow fans in to take photos. Considering the popularity of the show, they are quite strict about this. However you can see pictures on the building’s website here.
The Dakota
In the first episode of the series, we see Charles walking along Central Park and by The Dakota. This is another historic apartment building on the Upper West Side. The building is widely known as the former home of John Lennon, and sadly the location of his murder in 1980.
Lincoln Center For The Performing Arts
During the first season, Charles attends a concert featuring his girlfriend Jan, who plays with the orchestra. These scenes were filmed at Alice Tully Hall, one of the venues that makes up Lincoln Centre.