The Wonder Years was a popular and critically acclaimed show that ran from 1988 to 1993. The show is about teenage Kevin Arnold and his family dealing with life in the late 60s and early 70s. The show’s success made Fred Savage into a huge star.
Because of the show’s time period, the production had to ensure they used locations that appeared as they would during that time frame. The setting of the show was never identified, but was filmed primarily in Burbank. Interiors were filmed at Fox Studios in Culver City.
The Arnold House
The house used for exterior shots of the Arnold home is located in Burbank. The house is a typical suburban bungalow. This is where Kevin lived with his parents and older brother and sister. While interior shots were filmed on soundstages, the house was used significantly as the single-camera style shooting made it much easier to film on location.
The First Cooper House
Across the street and down a couple houses is the original Cooper House. This is where Kevin’s off-and-on girlfriend Winnie Cooper lived.
The Second Cooper House
At the end of the 3rd season, the Cooper family moves to a new house in a different part of town. In reality, the house used for exterior shots is just a block away from the first house.
The Pfeiffer House
Kevin’s awkward best friend Paul also lived nearby. The house used for the Pfeiffer home was also just a block away from the other houses used. And no… he wasn’t Marilyn Manson.
The Wonder Years School
Scenes of The Wonder Years middle school were filmed at John Burroughs High School in Burbank. The school’s exterior has been significantly altered since the show was filmed, and is almost unrecognizable now. It is currently used on the show American Housewife.
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